Game Night Tomorrow 10/13 FUMC

Game Night Tomorrow 10/13, 6:30 FUMC
This is the DEADLINE to turn in Popcorn Orders!

Also this is the deadline to:
Order a scout t-shirt, $10 each
Sign up for Campout, Oct. 16-18 Trevor Rees Jones Scout Camp, Athens, TX, $7 per person
Sign up for Council 10 Xperience, Nov. 14th at Texas Motor Speedway, $20 per scout and parent, $5 per scout sibling.
Bring a game to play with your friends because it’s always a fun evening!

Trash pickup at FUMC Sunday

Service Opportunity!!
This Sunday we will meet in the parking lot of First United Methodist at 4pm for a trash pickup. Instead of cleaning the sanctuary this month we are going to pick up trash around the building to say thank you for all FUMC does for our scout pack!
Wear your scout t-shirt and please join us!

First Pack Meeting this Monday!

Our first pack meeting is scheduled for Monday, 9/21 at 7pm at FUMC!!

You will have the opportunity to order and pay for your pack t-shirt and sign up for our campout that will be Oct. 16th-18th!

Don’t forget to bring your popcorn order forms to get your name in a drawing for a great prize! For every $50 in take order sales your scout will receive one ticket in the drawing.  Also, if you have already received any checks as payment please bring those as well to the Pack meeting, we will credit your account and get those checks deposited.

Important Popcorn Dates:
Orders Due: Tuesday October 13th @ Game night 6:30pm
Popcorn Pick up: Saturday November 9th 9am-11am FUMC
Money Due: Monday November 16th Pack meeting FUMC 7pm

Irving, TX