Category Archives: Pack Meeting

Blue and Gold Banquet 2014

We had our annual Blue and Gold Banquet. We filled up on delicious spaghetti and cake while enjoying fellowship. A few Scouts earned their Bobcat.  Many Scouts earned their rank. Our leaders were recognized for their hard work. One Scout was awarded his 50 miles hiked hiking stick. Popcorn prizes were handed out. And an all around good time was had by all. Thank you to the Blue and Gold committee for all the work you did to make this an amazing event!

November Pack Meeting 2013

What a great November Pack Meeting! We collected lots of food for Irving Cares.  The box was overflowing with donations!  We also collected 762 candy canes for our troops!  Great job everyone!  After the meeting, Scouts who filled up a whole popcorn sheet got to throw a pie in the face of one of our leaders!