Category Archives: Events

Movie Night!

Join us this Friday 10/5 for Movie Night at 6pm at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 516 S O’Connor.  Popcorn and drinks will be provided but please bring a movie snack to share.  This is a great way for new scouts to meet other scouts in the pack!


We discussed Webeloree at Roundtable on Monday.  Webeloree is the weekend of November 18th-20th with check in after 5pm on Friday evening.  If you do not want to camp Friday night you can check in on Saturday morning at 7am.  The cost is $15 per person, money is due at November Roundtable.

We need at least 1 BALOO trained leader for our boys, Blaine will be attending and he is BALOO trained.

Activities will include BB’s, archery, catapult, COPE course, and fire building if the fire ban is lifted.  There will be no tomahawk throw or 2 man saw as they are not approved for Webelos.  The boys will need to wear their uniforms to the opening flag ceremony on Saturday morning and again on Sunday morning.  The rest of the time they may wear t-shirts.

The Dens will need to discuss what to bring and plan out their meals.

Pack Meeting Changes

First United Methodist Church has graciously offered to host our Pack Meetings this year.  We will meet in the gym area on the fourth Monday of the month.  The first meeting of the year will be Monday, Sept. 26th, at 7:00pm.  First United Methodist Church is located at 211 West Third Street.

Since South MacArthur Church of Christ has sold their building to Infinity Prep we have not had access to the building.  We approached First United Methodist Church as an alternative site to hold meetings and they have welcomed us with open arms.

9/26 – Monday, 7pm
10/24 – Monday, 7pm
11/28 – Monday, 7pm
12/10 – Saturday, 9am