All posts by Public Relations Chair

Pack Meeting Tomorrow 9am

If you have earned your hiking stick, please bring it to the Pack Meeting tomorrow. We have 2 scouts that will be receiving their stick tomorrow, Daniel and Jonathan!! Congratulations scouts.

See you in the morning at 9am for our Christmas Pack meeting! If you can bring a breakfast potluck item, wrapped scout gift for exchange and an unwrapped gift for Blue Christmas Donation!

Also, we will be selling Boys Life for $12, t-shirts for $10, Sibling/adult derby cars for $4, extra popcorn for sale and accepting payment for any adults that want to register with the pack for $24.

Hike and Parade this weekend

We have a hike tomorrow at 10am at Dogwood Canyon Audobon Center Hike at 1206 W F.M.1382, Cedar Hill 75104. Come add 2 miles to your hiking totals.

Then it’s not to late to join us at the Holiday Extravaganza parade by 3:30 at space 66 on Rock Island, map attached. Roads close at 3:30 and we need to be in our space at 3:30 so come early and it might be best to park at the parking garage by city hall since our spot is down there. Staci will have parade waivers to fill out if you haven’t filled one out. Parade starts at 4. Wear your uniform and santa hat and we have candy to pass out!

2015 Holiday Extragavanga – Line Up Map (004)


Circle Ten Xperience

Some information about the Circle Ten Xperience for this Sat. If you are signed up and have not gotten your wrist band to enter the event you need to check with your den leader. The Phoenix patrol will get theirs tonight at their den meeting. We will get to the Tiger den on Thursday to give you the wrist bands for those in your den. All other den leaders should have their bands and have passed them out or pass them out this week.

You may go to the event as early as you want on Sat. and stay as late as you want. We are all going at different times so we are not meeting anywhere to go together. We may try to get together once we are out there and I will post on Facebook if we do. This is such a large event with MANY different activities, we just don’t know how to coordinate meeting up together. We know it will be a blast and we hope you all wear your uniform or pack t-shirt. Let me know if you have any questions.

Staci Johnson

PR Chair


**11/6 POPCORN SORT at district, 9a-12p, NEED cars to help transport our pack popcorn from District. comment below to Lynette if you can help.

**11/6 POPCORN SORT 6:30p at FUMC if you help sort you can pick up your popcorn and not have to come Sat. Must be there at 6:30 to help

**11/7 POPCORN PICKUP 9a-11a FUMC Come pick up your popcorn orders and deliver to your customers. All money due at 11/16 Pack Meeting.

**11/15 ADOPT A SPOT 4pmMeet in the FUMC Parking lot and join us as we pick up trash in a local park. Wear your scout t-shirt.

**11/16 PACK MEETING 7pm FUMCnPopcorn money is due at Pack meeting. Bring candy canes for the troops.

**11/21 FW Nature Center Hike 10am, 6miles, easy hike, bring lunch, 9601 Fossil Ridge Road, Fort Worth, 7613512/5 Dogwood Canyon Audobon Center Hike10am, 2mi,1206 W F.M.1382 Cedar Hill 75104

Campout this weekend!!!

It’s going to be a beautiful weekend to camp! Here is a lot of info if you have signed up to go camping with us so bear with me.

We will be camping at Trevor Rees Jones Scout Camp in the Black Bear area this weekend Fri-Sun. When you arrive on Friday you may drive your vehicle to the camp spot in Black Bear, unload, then you must drive your car back to the parking lot a short distance away. This is a beautiful area and has an awesome lake, pavilion and group camping, a little different than our past campouts that were in a State Park.

We ask that you do not bring any bicycles or scooters as there is not a safe place to ride. See list below for things to bring. Also there is a map and list of camp rules attached so please read over that. Friday evening you will set up your camp and visit, bring your own dinner. Sat. morning we will provide camp breakfast at the pavilion, activities include a group hike, group fishing (catch/release), and den activities. Please provide your own family lunch. In the evening we will have a chili pie/hotdog dinner, dutch oven cobbler and an awesome campfire program. If you have a skit, song or joke you would like to perform see Jacob or Staci. Sunday morning we will provide a grab and go breakfast and scout service, then it will be time to pack up and go. There are showers at this location along with flushing toilets, woohoo!

11217 FM 2970, Athens, TX 75751
Directions: From Dallas take US 175 east to Athens. From Athens Courthouse: go South on SH 19 (3.4 miles) right on FM 753 (3.9 miles) left on FM 2970 (2.4 miles) to ranch entrance on left. Black Bear camp

Suggestions on what to bring:
Tent / tent stakes/ tarp for under tent
Tent broom
Sleeping bags
Air mattress/ cot
Pillows/ blankets
Bug repellent/ sunscreen
Lantern/ extra batteries
Lawn chairs
Extension cord
Firewood for campfire/lighter/fuel
reusable plate/fork/ mess kit/ coffee mug (bring to all the meals provided!)
First aid kit
Camera (for scavenger hunt)
Garbage bag
Paper towels/ napkins
Can Opener/ hot pad/ cooking utensils/ roasters
Ice chest/ drinks/ snacks/ coffee/ condiments
Food for Fri. dinner, Sat. lunch
Rain gear
Towel/ washcloth/ toiletries for shower/ shower shoes
Extra socks/ jacket
Small backpack to wear during hike
Fishing pole/ bait/ tackle

