You can’t go wrong with baseball, fireworks, a cool playground, swimming, drive-in style movies, and getting to stay up all night! The AirHogs game/sleepover was a blast!
All posts by Public Relations Chair
August Night Hike
What do you do when it is too hot to go outside during the daytime? You go out after dark! The August night hike was a lot of fun and even a little spooky! Everyone had a headlamp or flashlight on this 2 mile hike at Cedar Hill State Park. We spotted lots of spiders, including tarantulas and 1 black widow, scorpions (that glow under black light), curious rabbits, blinking fireflies, and a western diamondback rattlesnake! Thanks to everyone who made it out after dark!
July 2013 Hike at Cedar Ridge Preserve
The weather turned out to be wonderful for a mid-summer hike!
Pack Fishing Derby 2013
The scouts had a lot of fun catching fish at the Fishing Derby at Towne Lake Park in Irving!
4th of July Parade 2013
The 4th of July parade was a lot of fun!