Some information about the Circle Ten Xperience for this Sat. If you are signed up and have not gotten your wrist band to enter the event you need to check with your den leader. The Phoenix patrol will get theirs tonight at their den meeting. We will get to the Tiger den on Thursday to give you the wrist bands for those in your den. All other den leaders should have their bands and have passed them out or pass them out this week.
You may go to the event as early as you want on Sat. and stay as late as you want. We are all going at different times so we are not meeting anywhere to go together. We may try to get together once we are out there and I will post on Facebook if we do. This is such a large event with MANY different activities, we just don’t know how to coordinate meeting up together. We know it will be a blast and we hope you all wear your uniform or pack t-shirt. Let me know if you have any questions.
Staci Johnson
PR Chair